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1 door 1 drawer blind corner base cabinet (left side hinged)
1 door 1 drawer blind corner base cabinet left
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Retail Price: $1,687.95
Sale Price + Options: $1,054.95


Cabinet Size (base cabinets)





Doors and Drawer Fronts

Hinge Side*:

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Drawer Boxes
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Toe Kick*:

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This is a base cabinet with one door, one drawer, and a blind corner return. This cabinet is typically used in corner applications. It has 3" wide filler integrated into the face of the cabinet. No additional fillers are needed with this cabinet as it comes as a package.

  • This cabinet is shipped "ready to assemble". See "Assembly Instructions" category for more info on how to assemble your cabinets.
  • Construction holes will be visible on the sides of the cabinet once assembled. Finished end panels (ordered separately) should be ordered to finish off the exposed cabinet sides after installation.
  • The interior of this cabinet will be real maple wood veneer over a 3/4" Purebond Plywood (no VOC), finished with a clear UV (baked-on, UV wood, No VOC). Purebond plywood is top-of-the-line and Made in the USA.
  • Doors, drawer fronts, drawer boxes, and face of the cabinet case will be raw wood unless ordered with an optional finish of your choice. See our "wood samples" category for available finishes and corresponding edge banding material specifications.
  • The toe kick of the cabinet will show exposed plywood core. Real wood toe skins (ordered separately) should be used to cover the face of the toe kick once all cabinets are installed. See the "Millwork" category.


General Cabinet Specifications

  • Construction- Full overlay, European style, frameless cabinet case construction
  • Cabinet Case Interior
    • Standard Cabinets- 3/4" thick Purebond plywood with a natural finished maple veneer (UV wood, baked on acrylate finish, scratch and dent resistant). Columbia Purebond plywood is formaldehyde free premium grade plywood (made in USA with North American lumber).
    • Glass door and exposed interior cabinets- Unfinished/raw purebond plywood with wood veneer that matches the wood species and finish selected for the face of the cabinet case/doors.
  • Drawer Boxes (if applicable)- 5/8" thick dovetailed drawer boxes (1/4" thick fully captured bottoms, 100 lbs capacity), fully assembled, then sanded, then sprayed with a natural CLEARCOAT conversion varnish to ensure smooth dovetailed joints (furniture grade).
  • Drawer Slides (if applicable)- Blum Blumotion integrated soft closing/self closing under mounted drawer slides (heavy duty version, made in USA, 100 lbs capacity)
  • Hinges (if applicable)-Blum Clip Top integrated soft closing/self closing hinges (heavy duty version, made in USA, fully adjustable)
  • Finishing- Doors, drawer fronts, and face of cabinet are available in raw wood (apply finish on site), or with one of our available conversion varnish based finishes already applied.

Average Customer Review: Average Customer Review: 4.5 of 5 4.5 of 5 Total Reviews: 3 Write a review.

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 June 11, 2018
Reviewer: John Daily from Chugiak, AK United States  

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Perfect fit - Easy to assemble January 4, 2015
Reviewer: Kenneth Shaw from Brooklyn, NY United States  
When the cabinets arrived my 29 year old son panicked when he saw the bags of hardware and bundles of plywood (We bought two cabinets - this one and a sink base). At 61 I'm much calmer and have many years of experience with projects like this.  This cabinet went together smoothly in about 45 minutes. Fit and finish are perfect. Exactly what I needed.  What a pleasure to work with such a quality USA made product.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
4 of 5 this one was a little weird December 21, 2013
Reviewer: Donna Cohn from Florence, MA United States  
I ended up fabricating my own pieces to make this one attach to the drawer cabinet perpendicular to it.

I am still not sure if a piece was missing.  It would have been helpful to have an exploded drawing of this particular cabinet included with the packing slip.
All of the other cabinets were self-evident.

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